Thursday 21 October 2010

Battling the base

I spent today experimenting with base shapes after looking at some of Crab studios other work (especially their tables) and these are a few rough versions of what I came up with.

The first base was arbitrarily sketched down and then cut out just to see what a non-regular shaped base would look like..

 I quite like the idea of having buildings over hanging slightly but this is to much. Also, in certain areas the curves of the base are lost beneath the contextual buildings making it pointless to have curves in the first place.

Having learnt from the first, the second base came out slightly better. Looking at Crab Studios pictures of library tables, you can see that they are designed to fit together to enable people to form their own working areas and I liked this idea.

 I tried splitting the plan up into sections by following roads or pathways  and came up with this first version.

It's a bit funkier but still needs lots more developing. I am going to spend a bit longer rearranging the sections and tinkering until hopefully something springs up.

 I think the base shape could be more detailed and intricate then I am currently seeing and I'd like to play about a bit with the topography and the colour as there's something quite sterile about a white baseboard!

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