Monday 29 November 2010


Lots of stuff done today.

Firstly the iron building core was finished. This was made from a block of clear acrylic and then layered with chemi-wood and styrene to get the strange angles of the building.

The transparent sides were polished and covered with masking tape for protection.

I then made the roof out of 0.5mm styrene. The center was then sliced out to be replaced by wood veneer.

A slice of wood veneer will go in the middle.
I managed to snap a couple of pictures of the brass sheet containing the pieces I will be using.

Lots of spares!
  It's 0.10mm thick but the detail is incredible (and also very delicate!)

Extreme macro close-up!
I am very pleasantly surprised that the railings have come out so well. They'll be one hell of a job to get on the model but hopefully worth the effort.

 Back to the iron building..

The bits together...

I couldn't resist seeing what the brass would look like attached. This will be sprayed a cool blue colour tomorrow. The wooden veneer adds a bit more interest.

As for the blob, well it's being sanded and primed and sanded and primed and sanded...

Mmmm smooooooth..

...and ever so slowly getting to a stage where I think it'll be ready for its first coat of blue.

All three of the pedestals have also been cladded. I think these will be left white..

This will be followed by a couple of coats of clear lacquer (possibly tinted slightly green) and then polished further using T-cut to leave it with a mirror shine.

And here's the model put together. The viewing station and top area of the iron building still needs to be shaped and polished, the river needs putting in, the two other buildings next door to the Kunsthaus need to be made and also the trees. A lot to do and not enough time to do it!

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